
All items world terraria
All items world terraria

all items world terraria
  1. All items world terraria mod#
  2. All items world terraria zip#

For Mac/Linux users, they have to follow the instructions below:Īlternative workaround for Mac/Linux users:ģ) Linux: type in steam -console Mac: type in open steam://open/consoleĤ) This will open steam in "console mode", go to the console tab at the top of the steam windowĥ) Type in the commands in Steam Console for your respective OS:

all items world terraria

All items world terraria zip#

For windows users, we managed to make a zip that downgrades to 1.3.4 and installs To play tModLoader right now, you need to downgrade to 1.3.4. No one is technically playing 1.3.5 modded yet. Recipe.AddIngredient(null, "Wood_Bar", 6) Item.shoot = 10 //idk why but all the guns in the vanilla source have this Item.noMelee = true //so the item's animation doesn't do damage Item.toolTip = "This is a Cannon made out of a wood." Public class Wood_BallBulletBig : ModProjectile Recipe.AddIngredient(null, "Wood_Ball", 10)

all items world terraria

Item.ammo = AmmoID.Rocket //The ammo class this ammo belongs to. Item.shootSpeed = 15f //The speed of the projectile Item.shoot = mod.ProjectileType("Wood_BallBulletBig") //The projectile shoot when your weapon using this ammo nsumable = true //You need to set the item consumable so that the ammo would automatically consumed Item.toolTip = "This is a big wooden ball, for your big wooden guns."

All items world terraria mod#

So I've tried to create a custom rocket to my mod but it won't work, when i shoot the weapon nothing appears and no damage is done to mobs, but otherwise it works, the game classifies the ammo as a rocket but the projectile doesn't seem to work.

All items world terraria